Fertilize the Land of Abundant Yields for Generations of Blessings

Blessing and abundance of the world through agro-business integration solutions

We are Servants of Allah who are the best service providers for the world's blessings and abundance through agro-business integration solutions

IPB Chancellor: Pesticide Residue Increases Feminine Hormones

Kunjungan Penasehat Petani Milenial Merauke, Serka Ardian Simanulang ke Pabrik pupuk Kurniaganik

Gresik Petrochemical Partners

In 2009 PT TIARA KURNIA partnered with PT PETRO KIMIA GRESIK to date, to produce petroganic fertilizer (Government Subsidized Fertilizer).

Tiara Kurnia Fertilizer Factory in Malang Regency, East Java

Petroganic Fertilizer

We are Development Partners of Petrokimia Gresik for the production of Petroganik subsidized fertilizers

SNI standard

product quality according to SNI standard 6729 of 2016 concerning Organic Agriculture Systems.

National Scale

Extensive distribution network throughout Indonesia

Our Partners

Since 2008 PT TIARA KURNIA has been cooperating with several partners in various regions in Indonesia, including PT. Shang Hyang Seri (Persero), PT. Pertani (Persero), PT. Turrima Agro Mass, Department of Agriculture of Malang Regency, CV. Tias Jaya Merauke and many other companies.

We work for worship

Crumb Kurniaganik Fertilizer

One of our superior products for the welfare of Farmers

Liquid Organic Fertilizer

Product development from our Research Team produces liquid fertilizer that is efficient in use


With high technology, we produce high quality products

Contact Us for Free Farming training!

Realize Blessing Generation through Agribusiness Integration Solutions



Rice Plant Demonstration Plot Harvest Results on Jalan Raya Arjowinangun 19 Kedungkandang Malang City

Result of Tile Measurement: 6.1 kg / 6.25 m² Equivalent (9.76 tons / hectare)

Rice Plant Demonstration Plot Harvest Results in Ds. Banyan, Kec. Wajak, Malang Regency

Result of Tile Measurement : 1.02 kg / m² Equivalent ( 10.2 tons / hectare)

Supporting Partner :